Saturday, September 7, 2013

A random facebook topic

this was supposed to be posted on my personal blog but i just had to post it here as well. it's always fun to see  how people would react on facebook posts. i love posting random, crazy things on facebook... but my personal choice of topic for today, religion... people become defensive... i don't know why, but they do. religion is a personal choice. period. i tried an experiment today posting about "why do people ask from GOD?"... 
My post:
"Some people thank GOD for material things... i do not get it... thank HIM for something you don't have complete control of... like family and good friends... friends you CAN choose... but family; you are born into one... good or bad, it is something ONE should be grateful about... shallow people often ask HIM for material things or health... if you believe in HIM and that there is no power in existence that is greater than HIM, why then ask? I think that HE would know what you are about to think and would be needing before YOU were even born... just THANK... do not ask... if i were HIM, i would be very insulted. Just THANK THANK and THANK... i think He would appreciate that considering that HE watches over billions of people... cut HIM some slack." 

Replies: (Messages not on timeline!)

the responses were astonishing! people actually saying that "asking" is good... "ask therefore God will open a door for you"... like i said, if you believe in HIM and that there is no power in existence that is greater than HIM, why then ask? i made an absolutely valid point. one never questions or ask a boss right?! even if you are right, it would be better to shut up. some sent messages to convert to their religion... is it right to impose or force someone to convert?! why is it that some of these people feel that being in a "group" makes them better?! if i were to debate some of these people regarding their religion, i won't think they could give me a very convincing answer... i agree that religion is "sometimes" an excellent tool for manipulating gullible people. you don't need to convince other people you are right.  you could be your own religion. here's what i was thinking when reading the messages, IF YOU ARE SO PROUD OF YOUR GOD AND ON WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN, THEN WHY THE HELL NOT POST IT ON MY TIMELINE?! DON'T SECRETLY MESSAGE ME ON FACEBOOK LIKE YOU ARE ASHAMED OF IT!!! - right?

some of my friends are wondering what my religion is... i am a deist... i am NOT an atheist... my father is a deist, mother is catholic, grandmother is protestant, grandfather is atheist,  sister and her family practices buddhism and my husband and children are muslims. deists believe in God. need more info?

ok, here we go...a deist believes in the existence of a supreme being, specifically of a creator who does not intervene in the universe. some may carry false connotations of it being "immoral" or "satanic" but if you google it my friends, that is what you call atheism... deism is not atheism... deism is from the latin word "deus" which means "god". deists believe in a supreme being but do not conform to any religious group. in short, put a deist in a church, temple, mosque or synagogue... a deist will still believe. deists will call him god, buddha, allah and yahweh. never argue with a deist because you will always be right.  i have made a conscious choice and is not simply ignorant of other people's religion. they say that word religion is sometimes used interchangeably with faith, belief system or sometimes set of duties... in "sanskrit" the word dharma means "law". different religions have developed in radically different ways with the differences largely being cultural... the biggest difference in most cases is that some religions put the emphasis on belief while others put the emphasis on practice. religion has a huge impact on the daily life of almost everybody, far bigger than most people realize... no matter what one chooses, religion should be an inspiration... not an excuse for people to hate other people who are different or an excuse to feel entitled or better then someone else or a codified justification for hatred and self-righteousness....
“To be honest, one can only feel glad that so many modern iconoclasts consider Christianity to be full of exceptionally hypocritical, religious zealots - it's biblically accurate and a prophecy fulfilled. The old smoke screen is one of Satan's favorite tricks. He conceals the authentic. He has a persistent strategy of targeting those who remind him of Christianity because he fears those who remind him of Christ.” 
― Criss Jami

“The greatest trick Christianity ever pulled was convincing the world that Satan exists.” 
― Aaron B. Powell

"people rant on fb regarding politics, religion, sports etc... if we dont speak on a daily basis, there is a big chance that the offensive post on my timeline is NOT about you. an intelligent person would know that. there is a hide this post, unfriend and block settings on fb. google it or i could personaly come by to your place and do it for free."

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